Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Take on the Rapture

May 21st has come and gone for Jerusalem. That means that the "bible prediction" announced by Harold Camping, that the rapture was going to happen at 6:00 p.m. Jerusalem time, was wrong. Sure, there were a few people that took him seriously in his proclamation, but the vast majority of evangelicals failed to fall under his teaching. Now there are many different reasons why Christians dismiss Camping and his kooky predictions. I will talk about two of them in this post and discuss on which side I fall concerning my dismissal of the May 21st rapture.

The first category of Christians who deny Camping's prophecy are one's that do believe in the rapture. The vast majority of these people are adherents to a system of theology known as Dispensationalism, though they may not be familiar with this title. As I grew up in the south, in a Southern Baptist church, I was taught the system of Dispensationalism from an early age. I was told that Israel was and still is God's chosen people and that "bible prophecy" was being fulfilled concerning them today as evidenced by all the turmoil in the middle east. Because of this, I was told, we are in the end times, which entail a rapture, seven years of tribulation, the Anti-Christ, sacrificial systems being restored, Jesus ruling for a literal millennium after His second coming, and then judgement day. This teaching is prevalent in the south, particularly in "conservative" Baptist and Methodist churches.

This camp asked this question: "Will the rapture happen when Camping says it will?" This is the question they had to answer for Camping is himself a Dispensationalist- a radical Dispensationalist, but a Dispensationalist nonetheless.

In order to answer this question as to whether or not Camping is correct in his prediction, the Dispensationalist, as I have seen them do, will appeal to the Olivet Discourse's teaching on the matter, which states, "But concerning that day and hour no one knows... but the Father only" (Matt. 24:36, cf. Mark 13:32). Camping is wrong, therefore, because no one can know when these things will come about according to Scripture. 

Their reasoning and usage of Scripture is sound; because of what Scripture says concerning the knowledge of the end in the Olivet Discourse, Camping couldn't be said to know these things definitively. Now, of course, the Dispensationalist must grant that there was a possibility for the rapture to happen on the 21st of May even though Camping had no ground of proof for it. However, completely ruling out the possibility for the rapture happening on the 21st for the Dispensationalist (at least the pre-tribulation rapture Dispensationalists) would be self contradictory for the "no one" in Matthew 24:36 applies to them as well. According to their system, God, at any time, could cause the rapture to happen. Therefore, to say definitively that the rapture could not have happened on the 21st would be against their own understanding of Matthew 24:36.

But there is another camp that did not believe Camping's prophecy: those who are not Dispensationalists. This is where I fall personally; as to why I fall on this side of the boundary line will be discussed later in the post. Of course there are different subcategories in this camp; my personal belief is that of Amillennial Covenantalism. I will display this camp's basic eschatological views in juxtaposition to the one shown forth by Dispensationalism. We believe that God's chosen people are those who believe in Christ; it does not matter what nationality you are, if you believe in Christ, you are included into the metaphorical Israel, Abraham's offspring, the Church (John 1:13; Romans 4:16; Romans 9:6; Romans 11:1ff; Galatians 3:28). We believe that Christ rules over His Kingdom, the Church, now through the Spirit (Matthew 4:17, Matthew 28:18; Luke 17:19,20, Acts 1:7,7). We believe that there will not be a literal millennium in which Christ will reign but that He is reigning now in a metaphorical millennium as it has been nearly 2000 years since the beginning of Christ's reign on earth in His Church. We believe that there will be no "secret rapture" or seven year tribulation. Tribulation is metaphorical and is something that the Church militant will have to endure until Christ returns to judge the living and the dead. Considering that this view lacks a rapture and seven year tribulation, the "Anti-Christ" is not some political player that will unify the world but is viewed as anyone who denies and teaches against Christ (1 John 2:18). One will find this teaching within Reformed, Reformed Baptist, and Presbyterian churches mostly. 

The ground for our disbelief in Camping's "Bible prophecy" concerning the rapture was not based upon the Olivet Discourse statement, that no one knows the day or the hour. Instead, we do not believe in the rapture at all as we believe that it is not biblical and is nothing more than a form of escapism with hints of Platonism mixed in, hence why I felt as though I could joke about it freely without worry about not only Camping's false teaching but also the false teaching that is Dispensationalism.

Now, that last sentence used some strong words against Dispensationalism and, by implication, its eschatological teaching; allow me to make a statement toward the end clarification. I do not believe that adherence to Dispensational systematic theology/eschatology will nullify salvation in Christ. This is not a damnable heresy like Trinitarian or Christological heresy. I hope those who might read this who are Dispensationalists feel the same way towards me and other adherents to Amillennial, Covenantal theology. If we agree on the Gospel then let that be enough ground upon which we can address each other as brother or sister and view these things as secondary.

However, a teaching that is wrong should be addressed. As many have not been taught anything other than Dispensational theology, these statements may come as a shock, but as one who has seen both sides of the eschatological coin, I shall now point to the reasons why I do not view Dispensational as a valid system of Scripture interpretation and why I find some of their doctrines lacking. First are some statement concerning its history.

The method of biblical interpretation known as Dispensationalism and all the doctrines that arise out of that method can be traced to one individual for the most part. His name was John Nelson Darby (1800-1882). Prior to Darby and his teaching in the United Kingdom, no one spoke of a "secret rapture," that one day Christians will disappear and the unbelievers will be left behind or spoke of Jewish people as still God's chosen people. C.I. Scofield (1843-1921) popularized this teaching in the United States through his published Bible notes. In later years, Tim LeHay has furthered the teaching through his Left Behind series, bringing Dispensationalism into the hands of laymen by means of fiction. From a historical perspective, Dispensationalism is very weak. Why has no one in church history prior to Darby spoken of the rapture or the nation of Israel being God's chosen people after Christ's incarnation? One can only have two conclusions: either everyone in church history prior to Darby could not see these things or Darby is wrong. Here, evidence seems to go against Dispensationalism.

Secondly, I want to talk about the misuse of genre in the Dispensational eschatological hermeneutic. Now, they must be praised for their view of Scripture in some regard for they viewed it as the divinely inspired, inerrant Word of God. That is something with which I will agree. However, where they err is when they say that they want to interpret some parts of the Bible literally when they should not; when this is done, harm is done to the meaning of the text. Let me explain. When one reads a history textbook they are to read it as a history textbook; when one reads poetry, one is to read it as poetry. To extract the intended meaning out of a chapter in the history text one cannot read it as poetry, i.e. by searching for literary devices, focusing on meter, etc. To do so would be absurd. Likewise, one should not read poetry as one would a history textbook, as factual prose intended to be taken literally. One will miss the entire meaning of the poem if this is done. This is exactly what the Dispensationalist goes wrong, reading one genre in a way in which the genre should not be read. This becomes a problem because much of what Dispensationalists base their system of eschatology on is found in the books of Daniel and Revelation, which are examples of Apocalyptic. Apocalyptic literature uses vivid imagery and heavy symbolism to convey a simple message and should not be read in the same way that narrative, history, or even prophecy is read. Using all of the symbols of the book of Revelation as if they have a one-to-one relationship with something in the future was not the intention John when he wrote it. The symbolism and imagery is meant to convey this simple theme: the Church must persevere through hardship for many will seek to over throw her, but Christ the Lord shall prevail over all the Church's foes when He comes again in judgement.

Thirdly, Dispensational teaching states that Israel, i.e. the Jewish people, is God's chosen people even into the New Covenant era. This, however, establishes a two fold covenant by which God works, one for Jews and one for Gentiles, though Paul seems pretty adamant about abolishing the Jew/Gentile distinction concerning admittance into the one Covenant that is entered into by faith in Christ (Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:11). With that said, it should be noted that Israel is God's chosen people, but Israel understood in light of the New Covenant is the Church of Christ. In other words, I am Christian, therefore, I have been granted the covenant promises reserved for Israel in the Old Covenant and am metaphorically an Israelite. This is why Paul, writing to Gentiles and Jews, states in Romans 4:11,16 that Abraham is the father of all those who believe in Christ. Bloodline does not matter; nationality does not matter; Christ matters and breaks down the Jew/Gentile covenantal distinction. If a Jewish person believes in Christ, he is proven to be one of God's chosen people; if a Jewish person does not believe in Christ, he is proven not to be one of God's chosen people (Romans 9:6). Also see Romans 11 showing the ingrafting of Gentiles into Israel.

Fourthly, along with the teaching of Israel, Dispensationalism proclaims that the last days, the faithful Jews will reestablish the sacrificial system that will continue even after the establishment the millennial kingdom. This makes no sense for Hebrews 10 clearly exclaims that Christ has fulfilled the sacrificial system through His once for all sacrifice. To say that the sacrificial system must be re-instituted in the millennial kingdom implies that Christ's sacrifice was not enough for those chosen by the Father.

Fifthly, the Dispensational understanding of the "secret rapture" adds to the teaching of the second coming of Christ. According to the teaching of the "secret rapture" in pre-tribulation, pre-millennialism Dispensationalism, Christ will come again to first call the dead saints and then will secretly "rapture" (from the Latin "raptare" which means "to snach" or "to seize") the living saints prior to the seven year tribulation. After that period of seven years, Jesus will come back to judge. Now, if Christ comes back for the secret rapture and then comes back again to judge, would that not mean that there are two returnings of Christ? I do believe that if Christ will come back to earth twice that the Scriptures would declare that He will do so; however, only one return is evidenced in Scripture. Also, there are no Scriptures that teach the "secret rapture" of the saints. The ones that supposedly do are taken out of context, such as Matthew 24:31-44, or are not understood in light of the Roman cultural analogies that are instituted in the text, 1 Thessalonians 4:13ff. Scripture tells us that Christ will come to judge, not that He will come to take us a way to Heaven for a little while and then come again to judge.

Fundamentally, this is what I do believe. Christ is coming again to judge the living and the dead. Christ will give all of His saints, dead and living, who are united to Him by faith, glorified bodies and will continue His reign of the His Kingdom, the Church, physically when He does come back. The wicked shall be cast into Hell. Most of all, God will be glorified in all of these things, in salvation and in judgement.
"’Mid toil and tribulation,
And tumult of her war,
She waits the consummation
Of peace forevermore;
Till, with the vision glorious,
Her longing eyes are blest,
And the great Church victorious
Shall be the Church at rest."
 "The Churches One Foundation" by Samuel J. Stone


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